Selena's Top 3 Gifts for Any Occasion

Selena's Top 3 Gifts for Any Occasion

These days, people have these extravagant wishlists that they hope friends and family will fulfill during the holidays. They want the latest gadget just to "keep up" with or show off to their peers. 

Maybe it's the old soul in me, but I believe "I saw this and thought of you" is more sincere and heartfelt than "Here's that thing you wanted". And these gifts from the heart don't have to break the bank either. 

Let me show you a few ideas I've come up with just looking around the shop.


3. Candles


On a practical level, candles help to manifest an atmosphere of calm intent. They're used to direct energies for meditation, healing, or contemplation. Plus, you know, they smell good. But the blend of scents can be a good thing, such as recalling special memories.

The combination shown above is what I call the "Student" or "Creator" pack. It's a combination of Problem Solving (gold), Creativity (blue), and Motivation (maroon). This combination packs a powerful punch for anybody struggling to get over a hurdle, such as writer's or artist's block or finding an alternative way to do something.

Take a look at the various candles available at The Purple Door and see what sort of helpful combinations you can come up with. 


2. The Evil Eye

Evil Eye Charm

Contrary to it's name, the Evil Eye isn't evil at all. In fact, it is an amazing protector. It has the power to deflect unconscious and intentional harmful thoughts away from the bearer. We are exposed to these harms on multiple levels daily:

1. People transmit their low energetic vibration to us without doing it on purpose.
2. Jealous or vengeful individuals wish misfortune upon us because they don’t have the same blessings as we do.
3. And then there is the “evil eye unseen,” which are the negative energies that are in our environment.

With these harmful influences turned away by the Evil Eye, the bearer can then manifest their desires without interference. 

I think this would be a spectacular gift for anyone, but particularly useful to someone experiencing difficulties at work after a promotion. 

You can find Evil Eye jewelry in several stores, but I carry a large charm (shown above) and a keychain version.



1. Dragons

Dragons are one of the greatest creatures to ever exist. 

Okay, I admit, I am being a bit biased (I only authored a few books, painted a few paintings, and collected a few... uhh... hundred of them...).

But what draws people to dragons?

No matter where a dragon is from, it is the embodiment of perseverance and strength. Asian dragons are wise guiding spirits of good fortune and nobility. Their European cousins are ferocious and fiercely protective. American dragons are said to bring about change and usher in prosperity.

Anybody seeking answers should consult a dragon (bring a gift in exchange!). And anyone needing protection or a change of luck should befriend one. Luckily, I carry a selection of totems in the shop that will help you reach out to these magnificent creatures. 


Well, there you have it: my top three gifts for friends and family. There are other things you can consider as well (crystals, journals, teas, ect). Whatever you chose to gift someone, make sure it comes from your heart. It will mean more. And there is magick in that. 

With Love and Light,
Selena IR Drake

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